Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Create Football Soccer Logo


If you need a rebrand or a new one logo for your club, you are in the right place. Tell me all about your requirements and I start to processing a creation of new identity. 



at first it was not what we expected but Pascal came up with new Ideas and provided a great experience


Avevo visto le recensioni e mi sono fidato subito. Devo dire che la scelta รจ stata azzeccata. Disponibile, attento ad ogni mia singola richiesta. Semplicemente Top.


It has been fantastic to work with Pascal on some football club designs as he is quick, skilled and creative. I know I can rely on him to work to specification, as well as ask him to generate some original ideas. I am sure this will not be the last time I "gig" with Pascalhugo! Cheers


I am extremely pleased with the work that Pascal has done on my football logo. It is exactly as required and needs very few alterations. He has managed to create a modern design that also fits within the traditions and history of our club. I will certainly be working with him in the near future on other graphics and social media items. Thanks Pascal!


Pascal is excellent. Great work, great communication and understanding of his clients request. He wont let you down. Thank you Pascal.

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